Titans - Fire
The creatives over at the TN Titans give us the beautiful opportunity to rethink football promotion. With creative freedom and powerful imagery, we get to promote our hometown boys in fresh and meaningful ways. The playoffs are always a fight to the end. We sought to capture the energy and build-up of the playoffs in a captivating and dominant way. What better way than a massive fire? The marrying of snow and fire on a cold night in the hills of TN got us all fired up for the next game.
Client: Tennessee Titans
EP: April Dace
Director: Jeff Venable
Producer: Ben Skipworth
AD: Kyler Wilson
DP: Chris Adams
Gaffer: Rob Bennett
Audio: Pete Townsend
Art: Jamey Didomenico
Wardrobe: Sidney Young
HMU: Morgan Rose
Editorial: Jeff Venable
Color: Apache
VFX: Fourthcrown
Sound Design: Fives Original